I've realized that I should probably proof-read my blogposts and make sure they make sense before I post them... the emphasis here is on "should," but I probably will not. Thank you all for excepting as I am. The weather is finally changing and it is freezing. Well, freezing at least in my office and every other building in Santiago because the Chileans do not believe in insulation. It is weird to know we were transitioning into Winter and it is going to be June. I never thought I would have to wear a scarf, coat, hat, and long-johns at the ending of May. Usually, I am complaining about the heat and humidity in Chicago or how I am fortunate that I have never spent the summer in the Deep South. I am at my school and it is incredibly difficult to concentrate because it is so cold. Fortunately, today is Tuesday which means there is class until l:00pm, but unfortunately it means there are meetings after 2:30pm until 5:30pm.
I would personally thank Meghan Tobin for introducing Mumford & Sons into my life in back in September. "Sigh No More" has become Album of the Month. Not really a light-hearted album, but I think it is the perfect album for the changing seasons. Why is that certain artists like Mumford & Sons seem more appropriate to listen to during a certain season? For example: Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes are ideal for the cold weather. Maybe it is the acoustic guitars and their hauntingly vocals. Who knows, but long story short, I am in love with Mumford & Sons. Thank you once again Meghan Tobin! I send peace and love to you and Heather in Managua.
Work has been good. I am participating more in the classes and taking more of an active teaching role in the English classes. I have found out what my kryptonite is: 4th grade. Those kids are terrible and when I say "terrible" it is an understatement. Give me high schoolers any day of the week, just not middle-school. Maybe this is my penance for being such a hell-raiser and giving some of my teachers a hard time. The most difficult thing for me is not losing my cool. I try to keep my composure, but I find myself yelling and having to stop class because the kids will no settle down. My throat hurts at the end of the day because shouting, yelling, and talking so much. The English classes with the immigrant women on the weekends are swell as well. There is more structure and organization now. I think I kind of know what I am doing with them now. It only took a little over 3 months, but I am finally getting a hold of my service work. Teaching English to the women is different from teaching Kids English. I think it is because the women are choosing to learn the language while the kids are obligated. When there is freedom, people are willing to learn.
Last night, my community had our first session of spiritual direction and it was amazing. It was relaxed and in an informal setting. There was no pressure in having to share and it felt good to talk about some of the obstacles and challenges I have been faced with with a third party. It felt good to share and not feel like I was being judged. It felt good to share and not worry if someone's feelings were going to be hurt by the things I shared. It was good share how the past six months have been going so far (for me, at least). I can't believe I have been here for almost six months. The 8th of June will be six months. Wow! The time is just flying by and it is crazy to think that I am a quarter of the way done with my time here. It is crazy to think too that the new volunteers who are coming December will be attending BIG-O in a little over a month. The time is going by so quickly. Some days go by so quickly that I do not realize how fast they go until the day is over.
Happy 6th months! I tutor one kid in English and she can be a handful. I can't imagine teaching a whole class of little hellions :) Hang in there.