This is doubling as my late departure reflection and my blog post of the week (sorry to all the late departures out there. It's taken me forever to get something out there to you guys, but better late than never).
I will be leaving to Chile in just a few hours and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. I have been running around and making sure that I have everything I need. I am so excited to finally reunite with my community mate, Jake and I am excited to finally meet my community mate who is already in Santiago. It is bittersweet. Even though I am excited to leaving, I am saddened by the fact that I am not leaving during a good time. Currently, my grandmother is sick and will be undergoing surgery while I am traveling and we are still in grieving mode due to our lost in October. Sometimes I question if it is still meant for me to go to Chile, but everything happens for a reason. If I had left early, I would have not been present for my family. I am trying to be present to the person in front of me. Life is crazy and we are often presented with many obstacles, but it is with God that we are able to overcome such challenges and difficulties. But, enough with the sadness. It is a time of jubulation because I am no longer an unemployed college grad who is living with their parents. I think my parents are happy to finally get me out of their house (I am quite happy as well).
Also, I am quite nervous. I am feeling the same emotions that I felt when I first arrived at Spring Hill. After my dad and grandfather helped move me in, they left. On the outside I was fine, but on the inside I was freaking out, "What the [insert expletive] did I get myself into?" I was in a new place all by myself and knew no one. Although my roommate was nice, we did not exactly click. The first week was the hardest because everything was so new, so different. It was in that first week as well where I made my two best friends and did not look back. I did not regret the decision that I made in going to Spring Hill. I know I am not going to regret this because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I know there will be many lows, but also many many more highs. I am excited to be living with two incredible people who be there when I need someone to talk to and will not leave me standing alone. I feel blessed being a JV because I have met so many incredible people.
I am getting ready to head off. Just two more hours and then I will be at O'Hare. This time tomorrow, I will be in Santiago with my community mates. I am ready to take on Chile and everything it has in store for me. For the Grace of God Go I.
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